So let’s get into it; February
Full Moon in Leo falls on Feb 12th. It is called the Snow Moon. but it can also be called the Rowan Moon, or the Ice Moon. This moon is all about self-expression, creativity, and personal achievements. It is said to be the most romantic moon, well, that should be a given seeing it is February after all. This moon is all about your relationships; friends, family, self love, co workers etc.
February - Spirituality - is all about maintaining healthy, calm relationships. It is the quiet time after a few months of chaos. This is a great time to start working from within and start creating your calmness. It is a great time for some “soul cleaning” sort to speak. Focus on goals that involve your personal development.
The Snow Moon symbolizes “A New Dawn”. It is a time of renewal, purity and transition . It is a change of perception: from Winter’s Solitude to Spring’s optimism. This moon can be all about growth and manifestation, especially in Spiritual or Mystical practices. Illumination; Bring to Light.
There are certain Herbs and Crystals that Correspond with the month of February. Herbs this month would be Honeysuckle, Jasmine, Sage and Myrrh.
Crystals this month would be that of Rose Quartz ( self ) Amethyst ( Third Eye ) and Jasper ( Root ). Don’t forget, if you visit our Gift Shop; Stones of the Month are always (50% off Limit 1 per)
The colors of the month are purples and blues: To signify your connection but also to symbolize your emotional balance and communication. ( relationships )
If you haven’t purchased a Full Moon Journal, now is a great time to do so. Is a wonderful and enlightening journey to practice your Inspiration alongside your intention setting and Full Moon meanings.
Here are some great idea’s to keep you grounded and empowered in February :
*Drink Lemon Balm Tea ( Invigorating )
* Find a Bean of Sun or Moonlight and just Sit in it and breathe for a few minutes
*Study a topic of interest
*Enjoy smelling, cooking, bathing with your favorites herbs
*Carry a piece of Tigers Eye this month to balance the energies of your inner and outer powers.
*Remember that the Sun & Moon symbolize the Subconscious and the conscious mind. It is a great time to work with, or spend time in both in one way or another.
*If you have a special place for your Crystals and such, February is a great time to truly clean and charge everything. Add some beautiful colors and a bit more of your special touches.
February can seem like a long, cold month as it is SO close to the beautiful days coming of Spring. It can feel like forever. I hope this information will help you stay grounded and vibrant in the days ahead.
There are some incredible Events happening this month and in the coming month’s so be sure to check out our Event page here or check out our Facebook page ( Events )
Happy February!
xoxoxo Jodi-Lynn
"The February sunshine steeps your boughs and tints the buds and swells the leaves within”
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Snow Moon “Oh Snow moon Together let us embrace the sacred moments of awe and wonder, with deep appreciation of Divine inspiration” ~ Shelley Merenka