“Helping people Heal, One at a Time” ~ JML 2012
“Just a mom with a very special gift”
“1/2 Hour of Healing”
Evidential Mediumship
This appointment does not require anything from you other than an open mind and an open heart. Jodi-Lynn is honored and acknowledged as a “High Caliber” Psychic Medium with an uncanny ability to connect to those in Spirit. Jodi-Lynn has been called upon quite often for this type of session by Hospice organizations, grief groups and grief counselors. Her abilities have been tested through an established and reputable organization, whose sole purpose has been “that evidential readings, or sittings as they are also called, can provide a therapeutic benefit to bereaved persons. Conversely, poor-quality readings with lesser mediums or fraudulent persons can derail the healing process for the bereaved. This program is committed to identifying high-caliber mediums capable of furnishing specific, accurate, and pertinent information to sitters. “. Certain protocols and testing procedures where key members of the Scottish Society of Psychical Research were also consulted.
She has also helped many in the healing process and establishing communication after a loss of a pet. Grief in pet loss can be just as traumatic for many.
Since Jodi-Lynn’s abilities do not have boundaries, all of her sessions are also available over the phone, Facetime or Zoom
“ I felt as Though I was sitting there having the good old conversations with my grandmother, like we used too. IncrediblE! It was like she was sitting right there”~
In-Depth Psychic Intuitive
Famously known over the years as Jodi-Lynn’s “Spiritual Butt Kicking”
Jodi-Lynn briefly connects to your loved ones or guides to receive pertinent information regarding your past. She will discuss many various topics with you to bring you to a level of peace and changes that you are being guided to pay attention too. She will utilize her Psychic and Intuitive abilities to help guide you, covering all aspects of your life ~ past,present and future. This session has also been highly utilized by many Therapists within the area, either for themselves or for their clients. She has been known to point out certain medical conditions and aid in diagnosis though SHE is not a Medical Specialist nor presents as one and information gained during a session should in NO WAY replace that of your Medical Professionals. This session is widely called on by those who are seeking direction in their life, whether emotionally or Spiritually. Please note that this is NOT a Mediumship session.
This type of session is also available by Phone, Facetime or Zoom
Private Galleries from 3-200 people are also available. Please contact us for additional information.
Galleries are also available over Zoom
Spiritual or Life Coaching, Reiki, Basic Intuitive, Ministry
Jodi-Lynn has been called upon by many for guidance in various aspects of Coaching, Mentoring and Healing. She has been called by many to officiate Weddings and to offer last rites. She occasionally offers gatherings to help many understand their journeys. Contact us for more information and scheduling.