Commonly Asked
Thank you for taking the time to visit our site. This page was created to answer some commonly asked questions about Jodi-lynn
It all started when…
When did you realize you had these abilities? “My mother was aware of my ability to communicate from a very young age. I was a very colicky baby. There was a room in our home at the time that was “creepy” to many. They did not want to enter this room. Whenever my mother brought me into the room, I would stop crying and smile. She ended up putting my crib in there because that was the only place, I was happy. As I grew, I was still able to see and communicate. The ability never tapered off as you would read. I hid my gifts through all of my school years and finally made it public in my Forties.”
What abilities do you have? “I am able to see, hear, smell and feel those in Spirit. I also am extremely empathic which means I am able to share past experiences and memories of those who have passed. They also allow me to see through their eyes and travel to locations with them so their families know that they may not be here physically, but they can still see. Many times, when called to investigations, I act as a vessel and allow them to act through me so the acts leading up to transition are visual. I say that I have “Chosen Eyes” as I can see time and space. I feel as if I am perpetually walking between both realms because at times, I can be speaking to someone but yet standing behind them seeing through their loved one’s eyes at the same time. I can travel to a location without leaving my physical space to locate missing items, people or pets. I sometimes can pinpoint health issues or ailments. My hands ae known to “warm” and “pull” certain emotions or pains from clients. What I do is not considered Reiki, as I am using my own energy. (Though I advise following up with a Medical Professional at all times). When a Spirit reaches out to communicate, even though they may not have spoken English while on the physical plane, I am able to interpret into English for the sitter. I am also what they would call a Precognitive, Clairprescient Psychic which means I can foresee future events and circumstances with substantial accuracy.”
Do you use any other tools of Divination during a session? I do not utilize any other form of Divination in my sessions unless they are scheduled as such. (Ex: Tarot Cards, Crystal Healing)
Do you believe in God? Is what you do considered evil? This question is asked of me often. I have even received threats saying I was evil for my gifts. I do not think what I do should be considered evil on any level. We were taught in Church that God is light, and light is love. I work in and with the light as I see it. I was raised in an Italian, Catholic family but was able to make my choice of followed religion as I got older. I believe in Higher Powers; I believe we are not as ignorant to believe there is nothing else. I believe that we have the ability to follow anything that makes our souls happy. Some days I will go to my little Episcopalian Church or sit in the gazebo that we had built for my grandfather at the Church. Some days I will sit by a waterfall. I love my rosary, and I love my crystals. I call on my Angels, and I call on nature. “Living is energy, energy is life, life is love, love is light…”
What is a “Open Channel”, Do you do it? " An Open channel would be when a sitter is before me, and I would just see “Who” comes forward for them. I do not. The reason I choose not to is because I have immense amount of respect for our loved ones, and I like to welcome them to speak to the sitter as well as introduce my energy to them. I like to think Spirit and I work together as a team. I typically will ask my sitter to grant me the first name of the person they would like to connect to. I focus on the name given and say a prayer within myself. If, by chance, they are skeptical in any way or may think I googled before they arrived (yes, sometimes people will say that), I let them know that they can give me ANY name of ANY loved one to begin our session. It takes a lot of energy for Spirit to communicate, so I do not feel it is appropriate or respectful to waste that precious time. The joke with me is the “Dialing” is on point with making evidential connections. I do like to add that Spirit will typically come with friends and additional relatives, and they will be allowed to communicate as well if permission is granted by sitter.”
Do you remember your sessions? “I cannot remember what is brought forward during a session. This to me, is an additional gift. Though at times, when clients come back and share their stories of additional validation, I wish I could remember more. Some of those stories are tremendously touching. However, I do believe it is better that I do not. I never want anyone to think I am just repeating past sessions. I love it when clients return and share their stories of validations. Sometimes I amaze myself.”
Can you speak to your own loved ones? “Unfortunately, I cannot. Others are not permitted to enter my energy as to communicate my loved ones for me as well. Sometimes, this makes me sad as I get jealous that I am not able to receive validation or messages from the ones I have lost. I understand why. If I were to sit with my clients, and help them to validate, comfort and guide them through their emotions, and speak of feeling grief - but yet I would be able to just connect with my loved ones as any point; I would be a hypocrite. How can I say I understand what someone is feeling if I could just do that? With that being said, it makes me sad…. but I understand.”
Why are you not on TV, or like other stage Mediums if you are so good?” “I giggle when I hear these questions and believe it or not, I hear it often. When I was going through a difficult time in my life, I reached out to an expensive, popular Medium at a stadium event. I kind of knew it would be impossible to get a message, but I was in turmoil at the time. I spent the money, that I did not really have. I left without a message and now, a bit broker than what I was. That was a feeling I will never forget. When mom and I decided to put myself out there, I made a conscious decision to not have anyone else feel the way I did. I have done large events of 50-100, and I honestly do not like the feeling of picking and choosing who gets a message. That is where my catch phrase came from. “Helping People Heal, One at a Time.” I first said that in 2011/2012 and I have kept my promise. It hurts my heart all over again if I have to.
In 2016, I was at a conference with a highly reputable and famous Psychic Medium for a weekend of intense training. I asked him if there was something wrong with me because I was not interested in doing stage appearances. He said I needed to get over my people pleasing tendency. At first, I was insulted, then I thought about it. Now, I realize I cannot touch the lives of everyone who needs me, at any time. I also know it is ok to pick and choose in a large auditorium because many just want the experience. I truly enjoy the ability to hold someone’s hand if they are in front of me, or maybe hug them if they need it and ask me too. I think I would lose some of that connection if I let it go big. I do not want that. I actually try to call the majority of the people myself or answer their emails. Sometimes, I am a bit overwhelmed and a bit slow at it. That is when my assistant steps in to help. I have turned down Television pilots, Casino appearances and Web Specials. I loved being on the John Depetro Show once a month. I love the callers and John himself. We were together for 3 years, but due to Covid everything has been put on hold. I enjoy doing smaller interviews on the Radio or web because it gives me an opportunity to share knowledge. I made a promise to keep it small and I am keeping my promise. Every Medium is different. I do participate in larger events to this day, and I do spend more time doing interviews, but the thing is, I am very quiet about it. Very humble.”