I received an email that asked “ you can’t be bubbly or positive all the time” … how can someone be positive, inspiring when they have such darkness, trauma in their past…”
In my opinion - My opinion- everyone handles situations differently but the first thing I can say is that just writing yourself or saying positive affirmations to yourself- without actually doing the Soul work/ Shadow work; is like talking to a wall.
Soul work is when you take a long, deep and sometimes painful look inside of yourself. You pay attention to how you act and the reason behind it. Are you being real or pretending to be someone else and why? Why do you judge? What triggered you to think you need to defend how you feel? Where did those self sabotaging behaviors stem from? It is about working with your subconscious as to why you feel a certain way, about certain situations, it’s about finding your authenticity. One cannot truly heal without doing this groundwork first. It kind of doesn’t really matter the amount of meditations or affirmations you give yourself. You need to learn and accept all the aspects of you, embracing both ; accepting both ; the dark and the light, to have your life be in balance and live your true life.
Besides being positive on a situation is so much easier than staying negative. I would rather try to make the best of something. You should always remember “ things could be worse”.
It also helps making bad times a bit easier to deal with.
Enjoy the dance with your darker self- she’s a good dancer / Jmw
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